Modern thermal PTZ camera with temperature analytics functions. It is designed to guarantee total reliability and continuous operations in the most challenging outdoor environments.


The modern, linear design of ULISSE EVO THERMAL combines maximum strength and operational reliability with greatly reduced weight. This means easy and quick assembly and therefore lower installation costs and zero maintenance. It is designed to guarantee total reliability and continuous operations in the most challenging outdoor environments. It is ultra-resistant to corrosion and can withstand a wide temperature range (from -40°C to +65°C). The extra-sturdy structure is guaranteed by IK10, IP66/IP67/IP68, NEMA TYPE 4X and TYPE 6P protection ratings. Exceptional wind resistance up to 230km/h with PTZ moving at maximum speed.

ULISSE EVO THERMAL has obtained Lloyd’s Register Marine Type Approval for the maritime and shipping sector and complies with the standard for railway applications.

The modern, linear design of ULISSE EVO THERMAL combines maximum strength and operational reliability with greatly reduced weight. This means easy and quick assembly and therefore lower installation costs and zero maintenance. It can even be mounted upside down, in the typical speed domes position. The supports can be supplied with quick-fit connectors for Ethernet/PoE, power supply and I/O. This means the unit can be replaced quickly and easily in case of on-site intervention.




  • Designed to resist and last
  • Thermal camera with radiometric functions
  • Unbeatable solution for outdoor applications



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 T-Global s.r.o.
 Jánoškova 1545, 026 01 Dolný Kubín
 +421 43 3211 441