Fire/overheating prevention system for outdoor/indoor applications
The thermographic system makes it possible to identify the risk of a fire even before it breaks out

Early detection of critical temperature rises
T-Thermal Monitoring system is designed for a non-stop monitoring of temperature events and processes that occur on the surface of the observed objects and areas. System can quickly identify temperature anomalies of the observed objects (small temperature rise is enough) and immediately alerts an operator on it.
How does the system work?
An observed object/area is continuously monitored by thermographic cameras. The video stream (infrared plus visible spectrum) including captured temperature data are continuously transferred from cameras to a central control system, where they are evaluated with a help of intelligent software in real-time.
If the T-Thermal Monitoring system detects undesirable temperature changes of the observed objects (exceeding preset temperature threshold or predefined temperature gradient), it will automatically alert the operator. Early warning can significantly affect operator`s decision. Right controlled intervention can prevent extensive damage or avoid of complete destroying of the observed object.
System description
The system is composed of three basic subsystems:
- thermographic / bi-spectrum cameras, which are installed on a site and continuously monitor temperature of observed object
- signal and temperature data transferring infrastructure
- alarm management system, which records and evaluates temperature data from thermographic cameras in real-time
Real-time temperature monitoringThe control system automatically evaluates the temperature data coming from connected thermographic cameras in real-time. The algorithm of management software is set up to be able to instantly recognize the birth of temperature anomalies in the observed area. When the system identifies some anomalies (exceeding preset temperature threshold or predefined temperature gradient), it immediately notifies the operator on that (temperature alarm).
The current status (normal / alarm) of all measuring channels is continuously displayed on the monitor screen. The operator thus knows at any time exactly where the risk situation just occurred. At the moment of the alert / alarm, the system will automatically display for the operator the live video from the camera by which just triggered the alarm process (infrared plus visible spectrum) as well as the important temperature data related to observed temperature anomalie. All the mentioned information helps the operator to make quick and correct decisions and to choose the optimal form of response to rescue a critical situation.
Monitoring mode is fully automated, so system doesn´t require an operator.
Real-time displayingThe system is still providing for the operator a live video and temperature data from the regions which are observed. So, the operator has still very recent and clear information about the hapening in the monitored area.
Continuous video/data recordingThe system allows to perform the continual recordings of video stream and temperature data of observed objects, which provides the thermal camera. The recording capacity depends of the hardware configuration (up to several weeks history).
Analysis of recorded temperature dataThe system allows to perform the post-analysis of recorded temperature events and their time course in details. The system offers two independent ways of analysis:
- visual – replay of thermographic stream as a video (IR spectrum)
- graphical – time course of temperature for selected temperature points/areas
The post-analysis of the recorded temperature event enable to determine an exact time of its birth and also its time course. The information (knowledge) obtained from the analysis can be used for identifying of the causes of events. These can later be used to design effective preventive measures.
System features
- server/client solution (modular conception) - allows to design large systems
- connectivity up to 24 cameras
- ready for bi-spectrum cameras (infrared & visible spectrum)
- ready for PTZ cameras with possibility presets of positions
- 25 separate ROI's for each camera channel (ROI – Region Of Interest)
- automatic detection of exceeding preset temperature threshold or predefined temperature gradient
- suitable for indoor and outdoor applications
- the ability to observe large objects and areas
- mono or multi-screen display
- long-term recording of video and radiometric stream (temperature data)
- post-analysis of recorded data - creating of time graphs of temperature progress and replay of video records (IR spectrum)
- quick search of video/data sequence for analysis - by date/time or by selection from event log
- professional alarm management
- outputs to control third party systems
- designed for continuous operation (24/7)
compatible with FLIR thermographic cameras
A35/65, A50/70, A400/700

Where can the T-Thermal be used?
T-Thermal Monitoring can be used wherever there is a risk of damage to the equipment due to uncontrolled overheating (equipment failure, control error, human factor, etc.). T-Thermal Monitoring can identify the problem before a dangerous situation occurs.
- refineries and oil depots
- high voltage substations and electricity distribution equipment
- power plants and heating plants (turbines, generators, etc.)
- iron and steel industry
- production of explosives
- woodprocessing industry
- ammunition depots
- significant military facilities
- seizing bearings and other rotating parts
- conveyor belts
- engines
- compressors
- pumps
- low voltage power supplies and equipment
- and others
Our offer
A. Preconfigured systems (hardware & software)
Smart fire/overheating detection system
Compact design, favourable price

- plug and play solution
- connectivity up to 6 thermal cameras
- 5 independent adjustable ROI (Region of Interest)
- 2 adjustable detection parameters for each ROI
- L - temperature threshold 1 (PRE-ALARM)
- H - temperature threshold 2 (ALARM)
- well-arranged alarm management
- many practical functionalities
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B. Software
Professional Fire/Overheating detection system

- server/client solution, modular conception
- connectivity up to 24 thermal cameras
- connectivity up to 9 network clients/workstations
- ready for bi-spectrum cameras (infrared & visible)
- 25 independent adjustable ROI* for each camera channel
- 3 adjustable detection parameters for each ROI
- L - temperature threshold 1 (PRE-ALARM)
- H - temperature threshold 2 (ALARM)
- G - gradient (temperature rise rapidity ΔT/time)
- long-term recording of video and radiometric stream (temp. data)
- post-analysis of recorded temp. data (selected sequence)
- time graphs to display the temperature progress
- video playback of selected sequence (infrared & visible)
- professional alarm management
- outputs for controlling third party systems
- many practical functionalities
*ROI – Region of Interest
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C. Complex solution according to customer requirements
We are ready to design for you the complex fire/overheating detection system which will meet your project requirements. Our design can include all key components that you will need for successful system deployment (e.g. thermographic cameras, transmitting system/infrastructure, central control system, operator workplaces, etc).
Prevention is cheaper than the damages caused!
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